Thursday, March 13, 2014

Contagious Disease Projects

Publishing Fun
Check these contagious disease projects!

Pertussis by Nyssa
Cholera by Amber
Small Pox by Sam
Polio by Lola
Bird Flu by Joey
Scarlet Fever by Kassidy
Typhus by Kylie
Cancer by Nick L.
Leprosy by Gabby
Measles by Nick V.
Hepatitis by Jacob S.
Mononucleosis by Hayden 
Influenza by Carter
Mumps by Jacob K
Chicken Pox by Jackson
Malaria by Jadee

Giardia by Logan

Swine Flu by Grace

Writing an Informative Piece: Writing a one page essay

We used our research notes to create a one page essay.  This was incredibly easy after all the hard work of reading and organizing our notes.  We practiced orally summarizing then synthesizing our reading notes with a partner before writing.  Students posted their essays on their writing blogs.  Check them out.  Next step:  PUBLISH for an audience.